Memes will be allowed for now and low-quality, low-effort self posts will be removed. Quality: Posts should attempt inviting further discussion. Posts and comments doing so will be removed immediately and, depending on severity and frequency, users leaving them will be subject to banning. Topic: All posts must be directly related to the Starfinder RPG.Ĭonduct: Starfinder_RPG is an inclusive community, and as such words and ideas that are used to attack, denigrate, or otherwise belittle other users here will not be tolerated.Ĭopyright: Sharing of or asking for copyrighted materials is strictly forbidden. Open/close modules and monitor how much memory FantasyGrounds.exe uses for certain modules - this will help identify which modules are using the most memory.Īlso, how much memory is being used with just FG open and no modules open? Start from here (no modules open) and see how much memory is being used before you open any modules - this will help to identify if the issue is in your base campaign or in module/s (which you can then open one-by-one and see which ones take a lot of memory).Starfinder Discord Official Starfinder Site Rules

Is it the GM instance that is using 3GB or a player instance or both? Each image will need to be loaded into memory when the image window is open. I already took care of the token issue and have images sized properly.Which ruleset are you using - just 5E?ĭo you have multiple image windows open at once. I now have to have a campaign for PC creation, one to alter and code PC actions etc, and one to run the actual adventure. that pull from various modules that need to be opened to work. Well, seems I can keep it under 3g memory cap by only having open a select group of modules at a time, this sucks.